Itching to explore something new while on quarantine? Well, fret not because you may not have the liberty to go out these days, but you can still explore some new apps to pass the time! Our smartphones surely are our main weapon against misinformation, boredom, and ennui at this time. That’s why it’s important to download the right apps for it!
In this article, we’ve collated the best apps you can download in order to keep you sane, informed, and entertained in these peculiar times. Find some center in the uncertainty that has befallen the world today with these helpful apps! Everyone is different, so the calm you’re looking for might be inside a game, an app, a song, or a series! Here are the best mobile games you can download this quarantine:
Cytus II
Cytus II is one of the most beautiful rhythm games you can download today. The Taiwanese-created game follows the journey of a legendary DJ who for the first time will hold a virtual concert. Cytus is this magical world’s name, and in this place, everyone is crazy about heartfelt dance tracks and boom bops. Get in the world of Cytus II and experience one of the best mobile games in both mobile operating systems today.
Want to sort out frayed nerves, keep your heads up, and breathe a little easier? Headspace will help. It’s the best meditation app in the business today, with millions of downloads and paying customers. What’s great about the app is its simplicity, intuitiveness, and ease of use. If you haven’t tried a meditation app before, you’ll feel at home with this app immediately.
You start by learning the basic breathing techniques, then advance to some featured programs which guide you through some common issues like anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and managing anger. The app records your progress, then automatically recommends related programs that may be useful to further elevate your zen. Free to download on both platforms.
One of the best things to come out of this quarantine is that some courses – yes, you’ve read that right – actual courses from some of the most prestigious universities like Harvard, MIT, and etc. are now available for free. Download the EdX app, which is also free in both iOS and Android, set up an account, and choose from a wide library of online courses you can take!
For free courses, you can take it self-paced, which means you decide on when and where you’re going to learn. At the end of the course, you can get a certification but you have to pay for it. Free courses include history, business, literature, computer science, and more. This is especially great for students or out of school youth, and even young adults to continue and learn some valuable skills.
TikTok is not only popular with the younger crowd, but some clusters in the adult demographics have also started to get on the bandwagon as well. What’s great about the social media app is that you’re allowed to be silly (in fact, it’s the first requirement), creative, inspiring, and all that jazz to your short lip sync videos. Nothing like a stupid dance video to make your day!
7 (Seven)
Gyms are indefinitely closed in this pandemic and there is no telling when they can be opened again. Depending on the country that you’re living, gyms and other recreational companies are usually on the last level of businesses allowed to operate. To keep your body healthy and fit during this quarantine, you’d need an app that will help you tackle that easily.
Seven is an exercise app that offers seven-minute exercises that you can do every day to keep you fit. These exercises target your whole body, or if you’d prefer, there are ready-made workout programs that target specific body parts. There’s also a “community workout” feature, which lets you join workout communities around the world.
We are living in strange times, that much is given. While we wait for this virus out, it’s important to be vigilant, insightful, and take care of your mental health. Staying cooped up will only be temporary. To effectively pass the time, make sure to download these apps in your phone to not only be informed but entertained as well.