EE will no longer be the sole player of 4G LTE services in the UK, with O2 planning to switch its service on come August 29th.
Although we had hoped that O2 would undercut EE’s 4G prices, which many people have been put off by, it has instead decided to charge an extra £5 per month, with its base price starting at £26, compared to EE’s £21.
Whilst we don’t exactly know what that £26 will get you, nor if it will be a Sim Only price, we do know that the 4G rollout will initially start in London, Leeds and Bradford.
It will not stop there though, with O2 already planning a rollout to a further 13 cities by year end.
Currently the cities listed as receiving O2’s 4G services this year are: London, Leeds, Bradford, Birmingham, Newcastle, Glasgow, Liverpool, Nottingham, Leicester, Coventry, Sheffield, Manchester and Edinburgh.
O2 is confident that the people in these cities will be happy with their 4G services, which are said to be 5 times faster than 3G, and have launched a 30 day “Happiness Guarantee” — which means if you’re not satisfied, they’ll refund you and cancel your contract.
Whilst O2′ s roster of 4G devices has been growing in recent months, the network’s 4G services still won’t work with the iPhone 5, unlike EE’s.
We’ll find out exactly what O2’s 4G services will entail when it launches, although until then, you’ll have to just ponder whether or not it was worth the wait.