Friday Lolz: The fine art of mobile sharing

Alex Walls
March 1, 2013

A study has  found that, no surprises, the main reason we share content via mobile is to make each other smile.


Whether that’s laughing at Kevin Sorbo reading a description of his character’s feelings instead of you know, acting it, or whatever floats your hilarity boat (‘HMS Chortle’), 29% of respondents shared content to make people smile or laugh, with 69% saying they wanted to make other people feel happy when they shared content.

The study looking at the content people shared and received on their mobiles, conducted by BrainJuicer and commissioned by Three, analysed data from 2000 survey respondents, 165 week-long mobile diaries and interviews, Three said.


Twenty four percent of respondents said they shared content to send something useful or interesting, like the fact that manatees should have a cartoon soundtrack attached to their movements:

Sixty percent of respondents said they felt happiness at receiving shared content, like I did when my friend Crystal sent me this:







Although it would of course depend on the content you’re sharing – some can prove almost  too painful to share (almost).

Thas a lotta sharing

According to the survey, 12 million adults in Great Britain shared content on their smartphone every week, with 67 million pieces of content shared each week.  This included 20.6 million images or personal photos a week, making up 31% of the total shared content.

Animal photos made up 11% of all content shared, or 7.2 million items a week, which is definitely understandable. I mean, who doesn’t love some Pikachu cat?









“Save me-ow!”

Time to share

The survey found that prime times for sharing were 2pm to 4pm, in the post-lunch haze and 6pm to 8pm, in the post-dinner lull.

Nineteen percent of respondents shared the most on a Monday, followed by 18% on a Tuesday; you know, come in to work, make some coffee, check your emails, watch that clip your friend sent you, do some research by checking Facebook…that kind of thing.

For some jobs, remember though – procrastination is not an option:









Thirteen percent shared on a Friday (probably mainly journalists).  Three got in on the act with a moon walking and bizarrely proportioned Shetland pony and  in the spirit of sharing content, I leave you with a final Friday Lol:


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