Review: Cubelets Discovery Set – Allowing your kids to mix play and education the perfect Christmas gift!

Stephen Watson
November 30, 2018

Available from Amazon for £189.95

Here at What Mobile, we are asked to review lots of different tech products and recently we covered a lot of products for kids that help teach coding and recently we been given the chance to review the Cubelets Discovery set.

On the first impression, you are greeted by 5 different blocks and then 3 other items that you use to connect with the bocks plus you are also given a micro-USB cable. Taking a closer look you will see they have sensors, batteries and lights to allow you to take playing with these to the next level.

In terms of setting them up its worth reading the instruction manual as otherwise your looking at them clueless. Once you have done that pull the cubelets out of the box and get playing. It’s also worth downloading the app as this will help with the coding side of the cubelets it’s free to download so give it a try. It’s not essential but I found it very useful.

In the discovery set you are given the following:

1 x Battery Cubelet

1x Brightness Cubelet

1x Dive Cubelet

1x Distance Cubelet

1x Flashlight Cubelet

1x Bluetooth hat

2X brick adapter

1x Micro-USB

The cubelets in the box are paired into 3 different kinds of block:  Sense, Think & Act.

The Cubelets also has 2 adaptors that connect Lego bricks and the Bluetooth hat which is vital if using the app. As you will have seen in the manual it provides a few tips of construction of the blocks give this a try.  

The blocks attach magnetically which means they are easy to connect and take apart. In the manual there also a number of challenges once you have got used the more basic lessons. There are also 50 different lessons for turning you into a cubelets master which you can access via the app.  Most importantly they are just good fun and my sons had great fun playing with them even when they just played with them and come up with there own combinations.

They are great fun and there 11 other different blocks you can buy the only negative I have with this product is I think they are very expensive and considering I have 2 sons I would have to buy at least 2 sets and at £189 this is an expensive toy even if it does help with the construction skills and creativity its still a bit expensive in my view.

Overall, the blocks are great fun and allowed my sons and me to have loads of fun.  It’s very important to pick up to manual as this will guide you into understanding how to use them the app is optional but download it as it has over 50 different setups and you can control the blocks via the app.

The price is the only thing I think that might put someone off at £189.95 via Amazon but if you can see past the price you have a gadget with endless possibility and you can build a robot that can move and respond to commands.  If you have kids that like to invent and build this is for them.

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