Samsung has unveiled a teaser trailer for upcoming six-part YouTube comedy series ‘The Domestics’, starring Kathryn Ryan and Joel Dommett.
The series is a clear attempt at marketing Samsung’s line of home appliances, though it seems far too cheesy to be taken seriously. The teaser trailer introduces a young couple who seem to have fun advertising Samsung products and making rather poor jokes. It’s well filmed and has the best intentions at heart… but we have a couple of gripes.
- It’s all filmed in the Kitchen.
- Why does Joel need to take his shirt off?
- If you’re going to advertise the products, just advertise them.
These sort of pseudo-marketing campaigns never really work because people can usually see right through them. It’s needs to be very craftily done if you want to get your point across and entertain the viewers as well. From the trailer at least, it just feels like a very poor attempt at cramming multiple Samsung products into a 30 second window.
Check out the trailer below and see for yourself: