Flickr for iOS 7 gains ability to auto-upload your snaps

Jordan O'Brien
October 9, 2013

Flickr is the grand daddy of photo sharing services, but it hasn’t slowed down recently — with Marrissa Mayer’s Yahoo bringing a slew of new features to the service, including a rather hefty terabyte worth of free storage. Now however it’s playing catchup, adding auto-upload to its iOS 7 app so you can always have your photos on your Flickr profile without lifting a finger.

If you don’t always take photos that you want shared, then don’t worry as Flickr will automatically default the privacy settings to private, so you don’t have to worry that private pictures will all of a sudden be everywhere on the internet.

The update to the iOS app is rolling out now, so why not get your entire camera roll on Flickr right away?

About the Author

Jordan O'Brien

Technology Journalist with an unhealthy obsession with trains and American TV. Attempts satire far too often. (+44) 020 7324 3502

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